Top 20 Diamond Scams

The 20 most common scams in stores
and 13 precautions to avoid them.



Which Online Jewelers Passed My Tests?

I tested over 100 top online jewelers. And I was amazed and disappointed. It is now down to only 2 jewelers that passed ALL levels of my tests.

This includes the most important :: my customer followup and real customer reviews after the sale. It continues to astound me, that so few companies train their staff really well. Grrrr

Surprise #1)

Out of 100+ online stores I tested, only two do it all. Amazing. I expected more. One consolation, these two do it REALLY well.

Surprise #2)

Lowest prices do not make the best deals on diamonds. But these stores both have excellent, highly competitive prices. Compare for yourself, but compare wisely, considering all 13 quality parameters, NOT just the 4 C’s. See how important that is, in my tutorials if you need to.